Category: Posts

My latest obsession: Star Wars

Okay, so I know that this isn’t fashion, but STAR WARS. How can you not talk about Star Wars? You guys, I know that I’m a tad bit late to the game, nonetheless, I’m dedicating a post to this topic.    I’m sitting on my bed at like 2 am I’m...

Outfit of the month: June

Dear Readers, you are rockstars!  Today I bring yet another weekly outfit for your reading pleasure. Today we’re starting off with some flowy pants that complement a beachy vibe but also a white-fitted top and a gold layering necklace. You could probably say that this is a cross between...

Life update

Hey guys! I know I’ve been a little MIA, but man, those AP exams were stressful. I’ve been so busy with school work and projects, and now everything is finally OVER! I never have to stress about Physics and AP Euro ever again. I’ve been studying Euro all year...

Outfit of the week

I honestly feel like all days have just morphed into one big giant, never-ending day. I wake up, work out, shower, zoom, eat, and repeat. I’ve been stressing about AP Exams recently because of the changes and everything. You probably don’t want to hear about AP’s or school. That’s...

Outfit of the week

March and April have proved to be a tough time for all of us. Being in quarantine for about three weeks now has been riveting (ahem, not really). Though it’s not exactly a hoot and a half, I don’t find it to be boring at all. I’m always busy...