Outfit of the month: June
Dear Readers, you are rockstars!
Today I bring yet another weekly outfit for your reading pleasure. Today we’re starting off with some flowy pants that complement a beachy vibe but also a white-fitted top and a gold layering necklace. You could probably say that this is a cross between boho and girly, street. The pants are from Shore (shocker amiright?), the top is from a shop in Barcelona that I cannot disclose because I do not remember the name, and the layered necklace is from Free People (It was around $30). Last but not least, I wore some fun, white, lace-up shoes that I got for $18 at Lulu’s.
Here’s a funny anecdote for you:
Lina’s Quarantine Chronicles: I opened my closet after a long day of over-eating and doing nothing. And what do I see? A perfectly tailored, teal-colored, pair of pants (one of my favorite might I add). So, of course, I picked them up and slipped them on. The slipping turned into a long process of me trying to haul my derrière through them. Yeah, it was not fun. Bruh, I gained like six pounds since the start of our infamous quarantine. My mochi-eating-midnight-snacking-cupcake-devouring days had to be over ASAP.
So you’re probably wondering how I ended up fitting into these pants for a picture? Let me tell you, my friend, it was not easy. But alas, I overcame my troubles and naiveté of the fact that “a minute on the lips, forever on the hips” is actually true.
Moral of the story: don’t eat ice cream every. Single. Day. Moderation is key my friends.